Friday, May 8, 2009

Win the Battle Against Belly Fat

Many of us have taken on the challenge of trying to lose belly fat. And many us of have lost that battle. It seems like this is one part of our bodies that is impossible to defeat. Whether it's the temptation of fast food or just the fast pace of everyday life, we feel like as though we don't stand a chance.

Well, I'm here to tell you that it is possible to win the battle against belly fat. I don't think I have to tell you that it will not be an easy task. You have to develop a plan that works for you and be committed if you want to lose the fat and keep it off.

Many of us have failed to defeat belly fat because there are two major flaws in our battle plan. The first is thinking that in order to lose weight, I need to starve myself. This is the complete opposite of what you should be doing. By not eating, you are causing your metabolism to slow down. The body will naturally conserve its resources because it’s not sure when they will be replenished.

The secret to losing belly fat is to keep your body full. By eating smaller meals, more often, you will increase your metabolism and turn your body into a fat burning machine. The body will not have to conserve and will burn the calories that you are eating instead of storing them as fat. You should try to eat 5-6 small healthy meals or snacks during the day. The healthier the foods you choose to eat, the more you will increase your fat loss potential.

The second major flaw actually has two parts. Part 1 is that we believe that if we are trying to lose belly fat that we should do more exercises that target the belly. The truth is there is no possible way to lose fat in only one area of the body. In order to lose belly fat, you have to think of fat loss through out your entire body. Doing a million crunches is not going to cause you to burn fat just in your stomach area. You might have really strong abs, but they will still be covered up by fat.

Part 2 is, because we have been told for years that cardio is the best and only way to burn fat, we waste hours doing boring cardio routines. Cardio will help you to burn fat, but it is not the most effective method. The most effective way to burn fat is through high intensity interval training combined with strength training. These types of fat loss programs cause your metabolism to soar and keep your body burning fat even after you have finished your workout.

The most important thing that you have to remember is that you have to first develop a battle plan that fits you. Everyone has different personal and work related situations, so one plan will not work for everyone. Your situation may require you to prepare meals in advance in order to ensure that you have healthy foods at your disposal when it's time for a meal. Creating a schedule can help you to remember when to eat and allow you to fit exercise into your day.

It may sound like a lot of work, and it will be at first, but once you start to develop a routine it will become second nature. If you want results, you have to be committed to your plan of attack.

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