Thursday, May 14, 2009

5 Ways to Cure Exercise Boredom

1. Have Some Fun - Workouts don't have to be done in a gym. Get involved in other activities that involve physical activity, such as mountain biking, hiking, or other sports.

2. Switch It Up - Vary the times you exercise. If you normally exercise in the morning, try doing your workout after work or on your lunch break. Change where you exercise. If you normally workout at the gym, do some bodyweight exercises at home instead. Every few months, change your workout routine. This also keeps you from hitting plateaus and causes your body to react to the change.

3. Be a Kid Again - Spend more time with your kids by joining them for a game of hoops or touch football. Help coach their sports teams or get involved in their practices.

4. Find a Partner - Exercising with a friend, a group of friends, or a spouse is a great way spend some extra time with someone. You will both benefit. Working out with a partner is possibly the best way to keep from skipping a workout. By having a workout partner, you become committed to not only your workouts, but to the other person as well.

5. Help Others - Many charitable organizations have fund-raisers that include walks or bike rides. Invite your friends and family to participate with you. You'll get double the benefit by bettering your health and possibly bettering someone elses.

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